Kanon ~雪の少女~

by 株式会社パラダイム



VA paperback appeared in the electronic version. Illustrations are also colored, more maturity was up. In the original book reader, it is easier to read!

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「ふぁいとっだよ、祐一。」いとこの名雪は、のんびり屋だけどしっかり者。転校生の祐一はいつも助けられては、名雪に大好物のイチゴサンデーをねだられてしまうのだ。●ゲームやアニメ、コミックなど、あらゆるジャンルで高い評価を受けた『Kanon』の小説版シリーズです。既刊に大幅な加筆とバランス調整を加え、新たに構成した全年齢向けバージョンになります。6冊目となる新刊「彼女たちの見解(佐祐理編)」(2011.3刊)が発行されたVA文庫より、いよいよ電子書籍が登場です。【あらすじ】親戚の家に居候することになった祐一は、七年ぶりにいとこの少女・名雪と再会する。名雪は子供のころと変わらない穏やかな性格で、懐かしい幼なじみのままだった。寝起きの悪い名雪を毎朝起こしたり、いっしょにテスト勉強をしたり。幼いころと同じような日々が始まり、祐一は少しずつ名雪との過去を思い出し始めるが…。【操作方法】・画面左・画面右のタップ/右スワイプ・左スワイプでページ移動します。・画面下から上へフリックするとシステムメニューが表示され、環境設定やしおりの追加などを行うことができます。【著者】清水マリコ(しみず まりこ) 1月28日生まれAB型。「Kanon」「君が望む永遠」(パラダイム)等の美少女ゲームノベライズのほか、「HURTLESS/HURTFUL」(メディアファクトリー)、「悪魔姫と黒やみ姫」(エンターブレイン)等、オリジナルのライトノベルも書いています。ブログ「嘘つきは物書きにしておく」http://roses-on-back.blog.so-net.ne.jp/【VA文庫】発行:ビジュアルアーツ著:清水マリコ原作:Key(C)MARIKO SHIMIZU (C)Visual Arts/Key【対応OS】Android 4.4以上"Faito, Yuichi."My cousin Nayuki is a laid-back but solid person. Yuichi, a transfer student, is always helped, and Nayuki asks for his favorite strawberry sundae.-A novel series of "Kanon" that has received high praise in all genres such as games, anime, and comics.It will be a newly constructed version for all ages with major additions and balance adjustments to the already published version.From the VA Bunko, the sixth new book, "Their Views (Sayuri)" (March 2011), an e-book is finally here.[Synopsis]Yuichi, who has decided to live in a relatives house, reunites with his cousin girl, Nayuki, for the first time in seven years. Nayuki had the same gentle personality as when she was a child, and remained a nostalgic childhood friend. Wake up a bad snow every morning and study for a test together. The same days as when he was young begin, and Yuichi gradually begins to remember his past with Nayuki.【Method of operation】・ Tap on the left / right of the screen / swipe right / swipe left to move the page.・ Flick from the bottom of the screen to the top to display the system menu, where you can make environment settings and add bookmarks.[Author] Mariko Shimizu (Mariko Shimizu)AB type born on January 28th. In addition to bishoujo game novelization such as "Kanon" and "Kimi ga Nozomu Eien" (paradigm), he also wrote original light novels such as "HURTLESS / HURTFUL" (Media Factory) and "Akumahime to Kuroyamihime" (Enterbrain). increase.Blog "Keep liars in writing"http://roses-on-back.blog.so-net.ne.jp/[VA Bunko] Published by: Visual ArtsWritten by: Mariko ShimizuOriginal: Key(C) MARIKO SHIMIZU (C) Visual Arts / Key[Supported OS]Android 4.4 and above・Android 10以降向けの調整・上フリックでシステムメニューが表示できます